makeshapes experience

Leading Through Stress and Uncertainty

Explore the important role leaders play in creating an environment that protects from unnecessary stress and provides stability through periods of uncertainty and rapid change.

Hosted by Clinical Psychologist and author Dr Sarb Johal

The best advice on-demand to your teams, no matter where they are.

Maximise the organisational impact of business critical training by ensuring everyone has the opportunity to take part, not just a few.

Group-based learning with up to 12 participants per session
2-hour session on-demand for easy roll-out

Learning outcomes


Uncover the importance of job design in managing stress.


Discover how to lead and communicate during rapid change and uncertainty.


Learn how to notice early signs of stress in team members.


Explore practical ideas to build a foundation of wellbeing in your team.

your host

Meet Dr Sarb Johal, your host.

Sarb is a clinical psychologist, author, consultant, speaker, and media commentator with over 30-years of experience. He has an insatiable curiosity about the human experience and has a passion for transforming complex concepts into useful insights that help individuals and organisations navigate this ever-changing world.


Have more questions? Feel free to get in touch!

What is Makeshapes?

Makeshapes provides a platform that enables the delivery of engaging group experiences in an on-demand and scalable format. Our approach combines the scalable nature of digital and the impact of social learning in a group setting. Within our experiences groups engage with videos, interactive activities, discussions and reflections that bring learning to life.

What are Makeshapes group learning experiences?

Makeshapes group learning experiences are fun and engaging sessions where small groups, ideally between 6 and 12 participants, meet together to learn with, and from each other. Sessions can be run on-demand without the need for a live expert or facilitator and can be run onsite, online or a mix of the two. We use a combination of engaging expert content, fun mobile interaction, and a cleverly designed platform to make learning both fun and easy.

Why should I use Makeshapes?

Makeshapes enables you to deliver business critical training, faster, and at a greater scale than previously possible. We do this by providing high quality on-demand experiences, empowering anyone to host a group and ensuring anyone can take part, in-person, remote or dispersed.

Can sessions be run for remote or hybrid teams?

Yes. Participants can join in-person (e.g. in a meeting room), remote, or hybrid. This is determined by the Host who has organised the session. For the best experience, we recommend taking part all in-person or all remote using your organisations video conferencing platform of choice.

Why are Makeshapes experiences delivered to groups?

Group learning allows your people to share and engage with each others’ experiences, meaningfully discuss new ideas together and explore how to apply what they have learned in everyday life, both at work and home.


We are here to help

Enterprise customisation

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